Have I got a Story for you…

Boy, the last couple of years have really been something !

At the end of 2019, JROCK found himself out of work and looking for something new…. Something to keep him busy…. Something to keep the creative juices flowing…
So naturally, he decided to start Podcasting ! (Yeah, I know, along with everyone else!)

Exploring the creative required time and a computer (which he had plenty of) and a place to sit down and do creative stuff (which with a family in lockdown, he didn’t have).

First came the relocation of the trash pails to the driveway…. Then came the clean-up…. Not only to make room to park the Mini Cooper, but to place a table and build out a space to work.

It’s not the quietest place, especially on trash day or when the gardener comes by or when the aggressive neighborhood squirrels play on the driveway.

But it has become a studio of sorts…. A MacBook and a PC to drive the 60 inches of 4K monitor real estate on the desk. A Yeti Blue mounted from above, a 4TB drive and a USB Dock that looks like an alien octopus connect it all together!

It has it’s cold days in winter and it can be downright hot in the summer. But we’ve added a couple of HEPA filters (to clear the cigar smoke) and a small forest of succulents next to the Bansai with the USB connected fountain on the counter….

We live in amazing times !
The technology that we carry in our pockets can shoot 8K video at 60 frames per second while wirelessly connected to the collected knowledge of all humanity, any time, any place. We have networks in our houses that allow us to be connected all day with each other via video…. Heck, we can even make phone calls from our watches just like Dick Tracy promised!

And in this strange combination of oil stains on the floor and car exhaust in the air, we’re trying to create interesting projects that will hopefully entertain, enlighten and maybe even inform. We hope you’ll check some out and like them!

Check the Projects page and see what’s brewing. And hey, if you like it, leave us an email so we can let you know when new projects come along.

Oh… And did I mention the aggressive squirrels on the driveway ?

Who’s Who…

Photo on 7-9-21 at 1.06 PM.jpg

Jeff Rochlin

I’m an Actor and Technologist. A member of SAG/AFTRA and The Visual Effects Society.

I studied Acting at The New York High School for the Performing Arts and the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute in New York. I also spent some time studying Film Making at UCLA in Los Angeles.

I took a break from my acting career to raise a family, and while doing so, found a perfect blend of Technology and Art working at places like The Disney Animation Studio, Dreamworks Animation, NBC/Universal and CBS.

After years of working in technology behind the camera in film, broadcasting and other studio related technology, I’m working my way back to my roots. After all, I needed a real job in a more stable field again, so why not Show Biz again…